
Joined: September 17, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 89283
         I can make quotes on my laptop; but they don't allow different fonts on witty. So, I can take a picture of it. I TAKE REQUESTS. I wont be on everyday, so it will take no longer than a week. EXAMPLES;;

My things to do in my life list:)
1. Go skydiving
2. Get a detention for stupid stuff :P
3. Have a best friend fo
r my       whole life.
4. Make friends with enemies.
5. Keep a journal.
6. Write a book. Publish it.
7. Meet him<3
8. Write a wish in a balloon and let it go (:
9. Dedicate a day to eating all junk food, with my friends.
10. Invent something
completely useless, but cool 

Quotes by blue_skies_13

I don't care if you said 

I want to know what you said!

who else does this?



This is my caring cup-
And oh look,   

    its empty.

itreallnot thafunny;
when you explain it that many times. 

Yeaah. its not. sorry hun. :P
                 Sometimes, we tend to despair
when the person we care about, leaves.
But the truth is it's not our loss;;
it’s theirs because they left the only
person in the world who would,

N E V E R   G i V E  U P   O N   T H E M.
but I could never be anorexic \\
I m e a n , m i s s i n g a l l t h a t f o o d ?

• ♥ ♥ • ♥ ♥ •

*thought of it :)
Forget how to breathee.
Shinlike gold                
 buzzz like a bee
((Just the thought of you can drive 
me wild))
>Ohh, you make me<


Love thiss song:) 
My editing
A speck of dust\\
A piece of dirt,
  a gain of rice,
a leaf in the forest,
A snowflake,
a  flash of light,
a crater on the moon,
a piece of fur,
a flame in a wild fire,
a letter in a novel,
a cell,
a brick,

A human being.
So truee;;
I don't care if it doesn't matter
I want to know what you said.


'Kids Bop'

;;They make the best songs,