
Joined: October 3, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 90392

my names brandy... i'm energetic and AWSOME!! i love my friends and family cause they r always there 4 me and there 2 catch me wen i fall!<3


and i love life cause its awsome!

and i lovelovelove  JUSTIN BIEBER & CHRISTIAN BEADLES<33333333333333333

brandelli13's Favorite Quotes

This quote does not exist.
Am I the only one...
that noticed when you go on youtube
and type a j that the first thing that
comes up is 
Justin Bieber

all minee [:


No school
You don't have to wear make up to look good,
Your hair can be messed up.
It doesn't matter what you're wearing.
You can sleep as long as you want.

Why can't it always be this way?

This quote does not exist.
elephant: why do you have boobs on your back?
camel: thats a funny question coming from someone with a dick on theirfacee.
A girl quickly punches in the number of her best friend.
"I don't know what to do. I love him so much and I don't think he thinks of me that way. I mean, whenever I see him or think of him, I can't help it, this smile comes across my face. Sometimes he sees me smiling and smiles back. That's when my knees turn to jello and i get butterflies in my stomach. I know you think that he's totally adorable and cute, but if you look past that and hear what he actually has to say, you find a totally different person. He's so caring and considerate and makes me feel like I don't deserve him. He's too perfect, I mean, look at all the girls that fall over for him. I could never be one of those. They are all so pretty and bubbly... and not me. I couldn't even start to compare myself to them. But whenever I see him, i really cant help but smile. Now I didn't tell you this but he called me the other day about homework. I tell you now, I made a complete fool of myself. I'm so embarrassed. I stuttered the whole time, but he was so sweet and just kept making me feel better. He's so perfect Steph. I don't deserve him. Why do i keep wishing and praying he will notice me, why...? Steph? Stephanie are you even there?"

"This isn't Stephanie."

Scared, the girl asks, "Then who is this?"
"This is the guy who's smile turns your knees into jello and I just wanted to say one thing. Everything you said now, I've been wanting to say ever since the day I met you." 

They   say   that  when your a teenager,
its   the   best   time   of   your    life.
Well then why is there so much drama?
Girls         fighting         about        guys?
Getting      ([made     fun])    of?
*-Gossip, rumors and backstabbers?-*
And  you  don't  want to get out of  bed
--------------->in the morning, because
you    n e v e r    know   what    war
is   going   to start at that thing called

Middle   School.

all mine <3 fave please

      "what a marshmallow" 
Jacob Black 
            Rate high if you love New Moon <3