
Joined: September 29, 2008
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 55475

brepark519's Favorite Quotes

Dear Brain,
sorry fothe overload.

Dear Tummy,
sorry for thbutterflies.

Dear Pillow,
sorry fothe tears.

Dear Heart,
sorry fothe damage.

1)Go to Google Maps.
2)Search directions
Japan to China.

3)Check #43.



its not about the ones
act true
to your 
its about the ones
who remain true
behind you back
You make me crazier...<3
I can smile when
nothing's right, and everything's wrong. I can tell
people I'm fine, when I'm d y i n g inside. I can get
through the toughest times with a smile on my face.
I can walk straight into living hell, because I know,
every single bump in the road makes me

Not mine~
but i like it.
every girl would be dead without her best friend
i mean really, look at who's always by her side, it

sure as hell isn't some guy

               You know that                ]
y o u r   b e s t   f r i e n d s   w h e n 
        you don't e v e n have to        ]
p i n k y   s w e a r   t o   s e c r e t s
          you just tell them because      
you know you trust her
she sits in the corner, singing
herself to sleep,
w r a p p e d
around promises that no one
seems to keep
we're friends.
real friends. & that means,
no matter how long it takes
,when you finally do decide
to look back, i'll be her