
Joined: August 16, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 120994



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  AAaa aaa About this Blog♦
This is a blog made to help Teen Girls get through the crazziest and most exciting times of their lives. The Blog will start with Freshman year. In eigth grade you were a big fish in a small pond(the leaders)...but now your off to Highschool where you are a tiny fish in a large lake. I hope this blog really helps and you enjoy it. :D   * please follow and Favorite.

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Quotes by brittsblog

sorry I haven't posted in a while :(

Day 4-6

Well the first day of school I had no idea where I was going. And all these people were staring. I think i circled the halls at least 4 times looking for my homeroom. Once I got there, my homeroom teacher gave me my locker number a code. But once I found my locker, I had no idea how to open it! It has been two full school days and I still don't know how to open it. I made a TON of new friends. And it turns out I'm in gym class with 3 football players and 2 basketball players ;). I also found out I'm in a wood shop class. Haha, well that's all for now. Tomorrow's Labor Day. I hope Everyone has a fun last day of "vacation" or if you didn't go back yet have a "fun" first day of school when ever you go back :D

Britt's Blog♥

Day 3
        well, it turns out I know a lot more people that will be in my class than I thought. I wish summer lasted forever. Summer went by so fast, it seems like just yesterday that I graduated 8th grade. I never really listened when people say"wow! your 14 already!. Where did the years go?" Now I'm starting to wonder, where did the years go. In 4 years I'll be 18; on my own; in college. Today on "Facebook" on liked "his" status. It turns out I was the only one who liked his status, making it a little obvious. I'm really starting to get bored with keeping my crush a secret. Should I just start talking to him and hope he likes me? Or should I just wait a little bit longer.. .it's only been a year right? Oh well, that's just one guy out of 54,458,762,298 other guys. But he's the only one like him; which makes him "the one" right. Gosh, do I wish this was so much easier.♥
Britt's Blog

Day 2
       Secretly... I love you. I absolutely love you. But who am I you shall ask. I've loved you for a whole year now. We go to separate school; separate lives. But I want you so bad. In two weeks everything will change... school will start. High School. I've been told High School isn't really like you see in movies. It's not like High School Musical, where Gabriella can meet Troy at her locker after every class. It's not like Twilight, where Bella can switch all of her classes to be with Edward. It's not like the movies... .I'm pretty sure about it. ♥
Check out the newest blog that has come to "Witty Profiles"!
It's a blog to help Teen Girls get through the craziest years and most exciting years of their life. Stop by and follow britt'sblog

 ♥Britt's Blog♥

Day 1,
     Well summer is almost over and everybody's getting ready to go back to school. I'm so nervous for the first day of school. What will it be like? Will there be bully's?; mean teachers?; tons of homework? Where will i sit at lunch? Of course I know a ton of people there. But It's so much more bigger and different than eighth grade. What about sports? Am i good at any? And what about... boyfriends!? Oh gosh! I have a lot coming my way! I'm just gonna hold on tight and hope that i make it. ♥