
Joined: October 16, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 91365

Quotes by brunette6969

still be on my 


 Me and my sister were driving home 
&+ a song comes on ~~> on the radio
my sister says
 "is this alvin and the chipmunks!?" 
I shake my head and laugh to myself
" sis...this is justin bieber"

lazy on the colors
favoritee&+comment [:

its snowing ! [:
 i wish i had a boyfriend who
♥holds me when im sad
♥comes up behind me and whispers "i love you" in my ear
♥holds my hand [infront of his friends] 
♥texts me in the middle of the night, telling me he misses me, so i get it when i wake up
♥posts iloveyou on my wall &+means it
♥kisses me goodbye
♥holds me in his arms
♥makes me feel like i mean something to him
♥ tells me im beautiful ~~~> even on my bad hair days&+ when im wearing sweats.
♥doesn't try controlling my life
♥lets me know how much i mean to him
♥is protective {in a cute way}
♥loves me for who i am 
♥i can trust 
♥doesnt cheat on me
♥makes me smile with tears in my eyes

I don't care if Monday's blue
Tuesday's grey ;;&+ Wednesday too
Thursday ;;I don't care about you
It's Friday, I'm in
There's gonna be one less lonely girl;;I'll show you what you're worth 
If you let me inside your world;;there's gonna be one less lonely

i honestly think everyone is WAYYY to obsessed with him;;
but i do have to admitt ....he's yummy(: 
what we do is innocent;; just for fun&+nothin' meant 
if you don't like the company;; lets just do it ~~> you&+me
or three ~~> or four ~~~> on the floor .
 three is a charm;; two is not the same;; i don't see the harm;; so are you game?
lets make a team;;make em' say my name;;lovin' the extreme;; now are you game?

  1;2;3 ~~> not only you&+me;;got 180 degrees;;and im caught in between;;countin' 1;2;3 ~~> peter,paul&mary;; gettin' down with 3P;everybody loves me(:  
you had my heart since hello.

 i got butterflies in my stomach

whenever you said my name. 

inally got over you . 

but that same night....

you told me you love me. 
&&+ i realized still....

i loveyou♥

badd . just venting .
it's not fair ~~~> when you FINALLY
find someone that's perfect.
But then you figure out, the guy you've liked [(since)}
the very first day of kindergarten.....
is completely head over heals for
