
Joined: April 7, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 72758

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i'm ellie. i have too many thoughts for one person. i'm one of those "spur of the moment" people who doesn't tend to think about what they are doing when they're doing it.                                                              
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You can tell me anything. Talk about yourself, talk     
about me, ask me questions. Anything. I don't mind.  

My opinion on witty profiles and open letter to all the users:
[warning: contains brutal honesty, opinions, and         
unorganized thoughts. Important parts are bolded]      

Bear with me it's 2:30 am, so this isn't going to be college essay level writing skills. A lot of things will be jumbled because of racing thoughts, too many things to say, et cetera. I've been thinking for a while now, why do I still go on wittyprofiles? Why do I still bother after nearly two years?
Why: it's entertainment. That's it. It's a time waster. It's a way to connect and talk with other people. It's a way to see into their thoughts, likes, and opinions with their quotes. See how everyone is different, but at the same time you risk the clash in opinion. With so many people on such a small website, it's easy to know a lot of people, see their names multiple times, and know someone who either loves them or hates them. I don't know every member here, especially with new people joining each day, but I can honestly say I know a large majority of the people on this website. Where the problem comes in is if the person is well known, it's easier to judge and make up your opinion on people who are more known. That in itself isn't the problem, the problem is where people cross the line of respect, and just decency. I'm not saying everyone does this, but that's one of the main problems that can create multiple other ones. It can relate to jockers, fakers, or just plain 'haters.' People seem to forget about the fact that just because it's the website, or it's the internet, they still have to treat other's correctly. What's different between witty and other more popular websites is that on other websites once you start severely disrespecting others, you're gone. The account would be terminated, that's it. That's the huge fucking difference that we need and that witty is missing.

If someone crosses the line of respect, chances are the person has broken the rules one way or another. I think it's different in each case. With jockers more people jump on the fact of disliking them, or knowing that they've broken a rule. That also means they have a better chance of getting the attention they wanted for whatever reason. With fakes I think it's hard for some people, especially the 12 and 13 year olds who I ALWAYS see talking to the fakes, to grasp the fact that people would lie and be so comfortable with it. If people had more of an understanding of what faking on the internet is, I think people would stop giving them attention. The only way to show what they are is to have the creator of the website (in this case it's Steve) step up and make a statement about it. For the haters, I think people lose sight of being opinionated and outspoken and end up just being hurtful and rude. Hate accounts need to go. Hate quotes need to go. It's impossible to stop people from hating on one another, but it is possible to stop the attacking hatred. The only way to do any of this is to put someone in charge of monitoring it.

As a creator of a website it's hard to cover everything with people's opinions being shoved down your throat all the time. Different people want different things. But, Steve has to remember he's the creator. He's the one that chooses what gets added to the site, and what get taken away. He's also not responsible for any of the users here, I need to remember that, people complaining need to remember that, everyone needs to know Steve is not going to take care of you, or just your issues with the website. But, with that being said, while he may not be responsible for what goes on between users, or their actions, he can be responsible for enforcing the rules he's made. I know he's working on the website, but when is he just going to be like 'That's enough.'? When is he actually going to do something that betters the experience people have on the website? That doesn't mean adding fancy new features that some people want, but improving the whole community of it by getting rid of people trying to mess that up.

If anyone actually reads this, don't take this as complaining or not liking this website, that wasn't the point. It was more of just getting my opinion out there. And honestly, through all the bullshit they may be here, I have and continue to have a good experience on this website. I'm also not classifying everyone into this, but a large majority of people here as of late. I know some of you may think I'm not one to speak against hate, but when a person gets so much hate beforehand they can only stay calm and deal with it for so long. And sadly, what I see happening when one target for hate changes, a new person takes their place. It's a vicious cycle that we all have to try to end. If you don't like someone, IGNORE THEM. Just like if you had to see them every day at school, if you don't like someone you ignore them. Don't make more issues just to have your internet ego stroked.


Comments to callintheCAVALRY_

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Steve 8 years ago
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Welcome! Let me know if you need help. I made this site.
allybabyxx78 1 decade ago
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awesome profile pic. p.s. lovin' the layout. (;
lebooof_444 1 decade ago
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I'm using the Facebook layout, again. xD
youngANDimmature 1 decade ago
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Hey! I'm using the facebook layout, thanks (:
xosoccergirl14 1 decade ago
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i used the facebook layout
holdmyheart21 1 decade ago
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i was just wondering where i could see your layouts because i've clicked on links that lead me here, but i get lost...
UnderTheStars 1 decade ago
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hey, i'm using the facebook layout. (:
ForeverYoung_ 1 decade ago
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I'm gonna use the Facebook layout :]
BrokenSmile__ 1 decade ago
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hey i love your layouts,
however the solid colors layouts do not work.. the image was removed.
the only one that works is the last solid one.
lebooof_444 1 decade ago
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Used the Facebook one(:
shnazzalicious 1 decade ago
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Just letting you knoow i used your third online layout.
xMCRx3 1 decade ago
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hiii . im absolutely desperate for a layout !! can you make me one ? i have a couple different pictures

its a lot-- sorry !! but i really hope you can make me onee !! thank you soo muchh !
bottledup_inside 1 decade ago
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i was wondering if you still make layouts because i really want one and yours are really cute. :)
the_unpredictable 1 decade ago
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do you still make layouts?
xabbylynnyox 1 decade ago
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layout please?
with a fish and a heart. with alot of purple in the layout with 3 scroll boxes. If you could do thatit wuld be greattt. (: thanks. :D
abercrombieandbitch 1 decade ago
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yehh its called SISTERS !!!!!!
XxkristenXx749 1 decade ago
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allxofxthexabove11 1 decade ago
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umm youalreayd have a layout of mine made?? ive been really patient but can i just have the code its the taylor swift one soorry if you interpret this as mean
_authorized 1 decade ago
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School is eating up my time, once again sorry x1298190812321323456756978643
_LoveToken 1 decade ago
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Love the layouts! Keep going!