
Joined: February 1, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 150582
about me:)

my names kate:)
 i live in south carolina. 
im 14/born on june 23rd/single:)
i have four sisters and i love them all
i have wonderful friends, well only some of the time.
follow me and ill follow back:)
my names kate. i like boys.

Quotes by cheerchick13

Take a chance

you never know

  what might happen 




I miss a lot of things
one of them just so happens to be


when you move on there will always be that one song that brings back all the memories you think you've


I dont know about you,
 But   If Peeta ToldMeToPleaseStay,

 I    wo u ld n 't     m o v e .


love you kate(:


It breaks your heart
When people you know become the people you knew,

whenyou can walk right past someone as if they were never a huge part of your life.
you used to be able to talk for hours on the phone,
&+ Now you can't even look at eachother in the eye,
it completely breaks your heart, when you know good things change

& theres nothing that you can do.

I'm losing all my friends,
  and im hoping its for a good reason.


I feel like I'll be the loser

who types "happy new year" on facebook, and sits at their computer waiting to press share so I can be the first one to post it.i_heart_youx3

I start  to get over you
then i see you, and i miss you like crazy again.

If you were           really my frien           you wouldn't ignore me