
Joined: September 6, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 216238
Hey there strangers, my name is coral and I am 14 years of age. I hope you all enjoy my quotets, please follow and I will try to follow back ♥ Love, Love, Love.

coralfosterxx's Favorite Quotes

It's Christmas
NOT x-mas
Gain respect for Christ.



Today and old
man told
me he was sad. I asked why and he simply

pointed to an elderly woman holding hands

with her husband.

"See her?" He said..

"I've been in love with her for over 50 years and I'm miserable for it.

Make sure, if you love someone, you tell them so you don't end up like this."

                  yOU COULD RECORD YOUR DREAMS 

           And watch them later :)

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Arrest that boy.
He stole my heart to many times   
When You're trying 
to Explain a Song
But don't want to sing it..
Format Credit: Paperlung

Hanging by a thread and not scared

to let go.

Thoughts inside your head that creep up to get you.

I believe this is right.

So I'll hold on 'til the night.


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This quote does not exist.