
Joined: April 9, 2006
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 36100

Quotes by crazililchick06

real ladies<3
wear thongs xoxo

just make it look hawttt<3
Life was soo simple.
when boys had cooties<3
if drama was vodka..
my skool would be sooo wasted<3

looks good in bold verdana 14
color in pink n purple
just make it look pretty<3
Brunette-I was listening to Eminiem last nite
Blonde-You were listening to candy?

looks good in verdana 14
color for brunette part is blue
color for blonde part is pink
hate all you want<3
but you cant break the girl who thinks NOTHING of you ***

hate all you want in verdana bold size 14
the rest in typoyuprightBT size 18
break in verdana bold size 12 underlined