
Joined: March 11, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 157820
i LOVEEEE justin bieberr NeverSayNever<3

Quotes by crystalbieber

I close my eyes and I was back. Justin tugged on my skirt. “Mommy, I’m scared,” He said.
“Honey, everyone’s scared of their first day of school, just look your fears in the face and kick ‘em away!” I said, tickling his neck to lighten the mood. “Bye Mommy, I wub you!” He said, taking his lunch box from my hand."I love too, Sweetheart,” I said, and bent down to kiss him on his head.I watched him skip off. “Go get ‘em, baby.” I said. I opened my eyes again. I was back, this time back-stage. Justin put his arm over my shoulder.“Mom, I don’t feel well,” he said, “I’m scared to perform. I don’t want to mess up.” I looked up at my son. “Just look right at your fears-““And kick ‘em,” He said and smiled at me. “I love you, Mom” I handed him his microphone, and leaned up to kiss him on the cheek.“Love you too sweetheart,” I said.
“JUSTIN! JUSTIN! JUSTIN!” the crowd cheered as my son walked on stage. He would always be my little boy, the little Justin skipping into his classroom, the one I gave up everything for, the little stranger that changed my life.
“Go get ‘em baby.”
-Pattie Mallette ♥

every time i hear Justin Bieber on the radio, i scream and start singing very loudly so the whole world can hear me!! <3

I'm sorry.. I can't help throwing a public fit at the store when I see something about Justin Bieber... ill throw a tantrum until my mother buys it for me(:

forget team Edward or team Jacob, I'm on the team with a cutie that wears a purple hoodie, skinny jeans, hi-tops, and says Never Say Never i<3 JB

Yeah um if u say one more thing bad about Justin Bieber u wont live to see tomorrow! I'm just letting u know ahead of time! Mk? Mk!!
Justin Bieber= L.I.F.E<3

Hannah Montanna once said "Nobodys perfect". well she lied ! Have you seen Justin Bieber <3

It is true, I have OBD. Obsessive Bieber Disorder. It stared as Bieber Fever, but grew into something more. (:

Dear Justin Bieber,
Make me "One Less Lonely Girl", I can be your "Baby"! Cuz when "U Smile" I will always smile back. "That Should Be Me" not Selena Gomez!
I love u J Bieber<3

i told you one time
to call me baby
but your just one less lonely girl
and won't kiss and tell
just never say never
cause you were born to be somebody
bring yourself back down to earth
and love me
if you don't i'm bigger
and will find a common denominator
cause when u smile
you be come my favorite girl

Mine Crystal Bieber<3

does his dougie on stage
too hot for his age
he can give you a fever
his name is
Justin Bieber