
Joined: April 18, 2015
Last Seen: 4 years
user id: 390836

cxteness's Favorite Quotes

advice you should probably take:
be your biggest fan. brag about yourself.
even if you don't believe it, talk about you
like you are the best. you'll feel better about
yourself, and you get to see how disgusted
people get when you aren't an insecure teen
that needs to be told they're good all the
time by others in order to be worth anything
(particularly by boys.)

tip you also should take:
don't boast yourself up by putting others down.

(lol this one guy kept trying to chat me up, and
he called me pretty, and I was basically like "IKR?!"
and he got so mad because I wasn't like "omg you
are the sweetest man ever. f.uck me. now.")
Looking for a once in a lifetime experience?
Go skydiving with no parachute.
Our hair turning gray is like our body running out of ink.
No one would
   Nor could
      Erase the look in your eye.
        Now that, My friend is dedication.
          Dedication that can survive a marathon 
            of a thousand miles. Dedication everyone
             wants, but no one can have.

Except you.

Time doesn't exist, clocks do.
This quote does not exist.
I'm envisioning our future when we don't even have a present
I am the ocean I am the sea
There is a world inside of me