
Joined: April 17, 2005
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 23280

Quotes by daddysgirl91491

with 1 conversation
u can lose
ur 2 best friends
in 1 min
ur life can have no meanin

our friendship is NOT worth throwin away!!!
1 question
1 kiss
1 thought
can change a friendship into SO much more!!

guyz can b ur friends and guyz can b ur boyfriends but i found 1 thats both and SO much more!!
2 ALL U BIchez that THINK that u r phasin me:
i realize that i m butyful and smart
but y u hatin on somethin ur NOT!!!??
all this love makes me so alone,
u act so nice,
this would b easier if u were a jerk
it would b easier if he wasn't back
but u aren't
he is
and i'm STUCK