
Joined: September 24, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 220807

Comments by dancerbaby13

dancerbaby13 1 decade ago to LoveExists27
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That makes my night:) I'm soooo glad! Your beautiful too so I know dem girls are jealous as hell. Hahaa I'm sooo happy I could help dear!
dancerbaby13 1 decade ago to LoveExists27
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I know exactly how you feel, I dealt with that earlier this year. Those people who call you out and say mean things have no room to talk. First off, People freaking suck. Ahahha they are mean because honestly they are jealous. And I know you've probably been told this a thousand times but honestly it's true. You gotta know deep down in your heart that you aren't any of those things which I'm sure you aren't, you seem like a wonderful person. They have nothing better to do with their life then that. It's pathetic and stupid. It can feel so defeating but I promise if you walk through those halls with confidence and just make your day fun and enjoyable they will be like oh..... It works I've tried. On the other hand if your friend was a a good friend they would have stayed around. Sometimes it's for the best and maybe you'll find some new friends:) I'll be your friend!:D hahahaha don't kill yourself because of other people. You have so many fun things ahead of you! Like your wedding lookin all gorgeous with the love of your life And having kids and growing old and doing all the fun things youve always wanted to do it! I promise it's worth it and I guarantee everyone would be devistated. You deserve to live your life fully and happily and I'm gonna make sure you do!!!
dancerbaby13 1 decade ago to LoveExists27
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Of course:) we could use eachother right now, so what's up with you dear?