
Joined: January 13, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 263136
Dear Diary, When people talk stuff about me, I don't care.. i honestly don't, why they be hating in the first place? and all you people dating the haters what do you see in them? love, a girl who wonders(: 
So you want to know about me right?
well im only going to tell you one percent of it
and trust me..
Well here goes...
I love purple pink green and blue. Purple is so... purpley so yea and blue it reminds me of the sky when its sunny<3 pink idk i just like it and green oh green it reminds me of the grass in  the summer<3
Spongebob is like my husband(; i lovee him so much he is just so cute and adorable and its just like ahhhhh i love him
nemo and dori best fish ever i swear if i ever get fish i will name them that.. then they will be my best fish friends my bffs ;D
Becca.. becca,becca,becca my long distance friend i miss you! we've had so many memories together.. i remember when i got ur number and we were locker buddies last year u are the one who got me in to this witty and i LOVEEE it ahahha so thannnkss(:
you guys might be thinking damn does this girl ever stfu well NO but i will for now ;)
follow mee(; <3 heheheh
About me part dos<3
So i'm trying to see if i can make my whole part two fit here lets see...
This is going to be about my love life as my friend is always asking: ASHLEYYYY hows your love life?
so this is dedicated for her<3
My love life... never had one I guess ima say i've never dated anyone i've had crushes.. oohhh a lot of them. I got asked out once in the summer 2011 he dated my best friend and broke her heart so you know how i replied to that
Jerk you broke my best friends heart what makes you think that i wanna date your dumbass. sorry for cursing its just yea.. so i wanna hear about your guys love life and stuff like that comment below so i can tell you advice trust me im good at it <3 (:
Comment below for advice<3 <3 < 3i am really good at advice so comment!! (:

Quotes by dollfacee

    is all that matters right now
My parents call it swearing,
I call it a display of colorful language
Advice: Wherever you go,
Bring your heart with you <3
Advice: I need to get my sh*t together
I'm a limited edition <3
With a limited amount of time on my hands </3

Advice:The BEST things in LIFE aren't THINGS..
Advice: If you tell a guy you like him and
he doesnt say it back but he still does
those cute little things like walk you to
class and wait for you at your locker to 
talk it doesn't mean he doesn't like you
maybe he just wants to make sure your
the one before letting you know how he
really feels(: <3