
Joined: April 27, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 295517
The five boys on the left you see have changed my life
My name is Izza. I'm 12. I'm insecure about many things, but I don't want to list them all. Mostly about my looks and weight. Some of my "friends" call me ugly and fat, but claim they are kidding. Yeah right bitch. I know it's true, but it hurts to be told that to my face. I don't know who my real friends are. April has currently been the crappiest month of my life, because 3 of my friends told me they don't like me. 2 of them I barely talk to now, and 1 I am still friends with. My life is a jumbled up mess... 
One Direction and Demi Lovato are my absolute inspirations. They are just amazing. My favorite song is Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift. I also like Taylor Swift, Kelly Clarkson, Katy Perry, and Justin Bieber. I love watching glozell, jenna marbles, and thecomputernerd01. They're absolutely hilarious(:. I LOVE Softball! It's the best sport ever. I also play basketball.
Well if you've actually wasted 5 minutes of your life reading this, I'm pretty good at giving advice. So if you need some, comment your problem and  I'll try to help.
layout made by _RandomRequests

Quotes by ducky_momo31

Life is a funny thing
the minute you think you've got everything figured out, something comes around and tears it all down
- Zayn Malik

Format by twilightgirl995