
Joined: November 23, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 241956
Emily - Single♥
My names Emily, I have blue eyes and blonde hair. I'm used to have a witty account but a few people bullied me so I deleted it! ♥ Please folle :D 

♥Gσt A Prσblεm...Sσlνε It!
║♥Lσst?...Gεt Fσund!
║♥Think I'm Trippin...Tiε Mч Shσε!
║♥Cαn't Stαnd Mε...Sit Dσωn!
║♥Cαn't Fαce Mε...Wεll Turn Arσund!
║×♥Lσvε Mε?...Grεαt
║♥Hαtε Mε?...Eνεn Bεttεr!
║♥Think Im Uglч...Dσn't Lσσк At Mε!
║♥Dσn't Likε Mч Stчlε...Dσn't Lιкє Yσurѕ!
║♥Dσn't Knσw Mε... Dσn't Judge Mε! 
║♥Think Yσu Knσw Mε...Yσu Hαvε Nσ Idεα 
“There comes a time when you have to stand up and shout:
This is me damn it! I look the way I look, think the way I think, feel the way I feel, love the way I love! I am a whole complex package. Take me... or leave me. Accept me - or walk away! Do not try to make me feel like less of a person, just because I don't fit your idea of who I should be and don't try to change me to fit your mold. If I need to change, I alone will make that decision.
When you are strong enough to love yourself 100%, good and bad - you will be amazed at the opportunities that life preseents you. lιғe don'т coмe wιтн ιnѕтrυcтιonѕ ѕo lιve ιт тнey way yoυ wanт тoo !!!!