
Joined: July 9, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 192821

                                                                 My name is Sami
  I am 15 almost 16
                                                                   I have 3 sisters and 1 brother
My sister Kodi is about to go to college
                                                                      I am taken. I have been in a relationship for
1 year and 7 months he is the best boyfriend in the world
                                                                           My dad passed away two years ago and it has been really   hard
 hehe it looks like steps... 
                                                                              I like marshmellows
 I like blue eyes
                                                                                I have blue eyes
 I have brown hair

<a href="http://www.sodahead.com/fun/have-any-cute-emo-backgrounds-for-me/question-1059797/?link=ibaf&imgurl=http://i598.photobucket.com/albums/tt66/special1_emo_05/ithurts-emo.jpg&q="><img src="http://i598.photobucket.com/albums/tt66/special1_emo_05/ithurts-emo.jpg"><br> pics on Sodahead</a>

Comments Made on evilcupcake2014's Quotes

evilcupcake2014 1 decade ago on quote #4177524
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thanks ... i have been in one of those moods lately where i pretty much am mad at everything except my boyfriend
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wallenbee 1 decade ago on quote #4177524
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I hear you! And I'm here if you want to talk. Just remember you are strong, you have to fight through that rubble and dust, and fire. I know you can. And you know, when you do, you'll be standing tall. You'll be standing strong. Because you have it in you to fight this battle. You are a wonderful person and wonderful people are strong and beautiful inside and out. And wonderful people make it through any obstacles they may encounter in life.
You are a wonderful person.
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