
Joined: June 29, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 313320

Hi, my name is adrian, i'm 18 years of age, I was born in canada, but moved to california later on, I work at pual mitchell's hair salon, and I live with my boyfriend corey.I am a gemini, witch means i was born within may21, and june21.I do not eat meat, nothing made or produced from animals, yeah, suck it up, i don't drink milk either.I am a hunger games addict, so don't get me started unless you wanna hear 3 hours worth of peeta gale and katniss talk.personaly team gale  <3. I can be a real bitch when i wanna, so don't screw me over and i should be just fine. I might not warm up to you right away, but once you get to know me, you can never get rid of me.any other questions, contact me at adrian.revoldez@att.net

eyecandy5's Favorite Quotes

That's funny i was told that there is 50 shades of gray, but i'm only seeing 4 of em' on here.

This quote does not exist.
You never really
understand a person

until you consider things
from their point of view.
Ya I Make Mistakes, Life Didn't Come With Instructions.
Dear cellphone companies, please make a "Unsend my text" option. 

Does Anyone Else Ever Wonder Why Niall Is So Skinny If He Eats So much
Or Is It Just Me?