
Joined: February 21, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 276433

I'm Alexa. My life is softball and music..<3
I like to meet new people, but I'm shy too :3
I have bright
green eyes, and I dyed my hair black. But that DOES NOT MEAN I'M GOTH. yanno, To HELL with stereotypes. they're so pointless. who are you to judge who's pretty and who's ugly?
I hate bullies with everything in me. I've been a victim of bullying until I stood up for myself...
I'm good at listening to people who need to vent, so if you need someone to talk to, then I'm here for you<3
I'm turning 15 soon(:
so yea...bye:D

Quotes by floobersniben

That  mini heart-attack  you get when you don't feel your phone in your pocket...
Then remember you put it in your other pocket...

For what it's worth.


Dude, I wasn't that drunk. 

Bro, you went in my closet and yelled "where the f*ck is Narnia??!"


    If I licked it....
It's automatically miiiiiine.


does anybody else say the word "like" a billion times when trying to tell a story? 

That Awkward Moment
when your mom's doing the dishes and you slowly put your plate in the sink.....