
Joined: August 6, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 204642
I make quotes. About life, breakups, love, boys, friendship, drama, bitches, funny quotes, and every kind of quote in between. If you see this page as pointless, so be it. You don't have to read the quotes, now do you?
I get all the quotes from twitter, tumblr, etc;.
And darlings, if I 'Stole you quote' or 'OMG that's my format!' Then I am truely sorry, because for one thing, I won't give credit for the format in my quote, but if it is yours and you made it then comment, 'Hey, I made that format. Just putting my credit here.' or something like that, your comment will not be deleted.
And I apoligize if you already had a quote I put up, but I don't get any of my quotes from witty. They all come from twttier or tumblr or other websites but not witty!
One more thing. If you follow me, I WILL follow you back.
Simple as that.
 N o  H a t e.
O n l y  P e a c e.
Rock on lovelies, and don't forget:
Every single one of you, are
b e a u t i f u l.

Quotes by freakenamazingquotes

to all men who think women belong in the kitchen, remember

  that's where the knives are kept.

Dear Wind,
 I know my hair is amazing, but please stop raping it.
Sincerely, Girls.



that spider that was on the wall two

seconds ago isn't there.

Is yahoo a good search engine?
I don't know google it.

Someone who truly loves you

will never compare you to others.


 Don't promise me things
                                  because I trust actions, not words.


  are a very expensive liquid.


Because they are the only liquid

that shows the true meaning of pain.


seeing people change
  >> isn't what hurts. <<
 it's remembering who they used to be.


the  only people  who  truly

  know your story

are the ones who helped you w r i t e it. ♥