
Joined: November 26, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 136085

Quotes by giggles123

The Truth Only Means  Something When It's Hard To Admit.<3

hope for the Best, 
But Expect the worst.


It's not how hard you hit,

...But it's, 
How many punches you can take.

Baby, Your so good to me; 
But I don't deserve you...



whdoes everyone
want their love to be like a movie,

B I T C H,
You know my [name] not my [s t o r y] 
So shut your mouth
Or I'll end your 


So they say, nothing lasts


so baby be my nothing?

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying 'you'll never leave me.'

Kisses blown arekisses wasted.
Kisses aren't kisses unless they are tasted. 
Kisses spread germs and germs are hated but you can kiss me baby
Vaccinated ;)