
Joined: February 12, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 101091

Name: Abigail; I go by Abby,
Nicknames; chub, chud, abbs, whatever you call me I'll answer to.
My best friend : Hailey <3.
Age : 14.
Grade: 9th.
Likes: Hockey players <3, baseball players, hott guys, guys that flirt,  true friends, laughing, joking about everything, icecream, chocolate, pretty colored things, rainbow colors, people who are true to you, seeing people, going to concerts, music,texting, talking on the phone late at night, swinging on swings, playing softball, trampolines, dogs, cute animals, being silly around people i trust and care about & witty :)
Dislikes: douches, jocked quotes, annoying people, nut riders, whores, gossipers, being mad, people who pick fights for no reasons, people bringing up my past relationships, allergies, liking someone who doesnt like you </3, being broken hearted, cats, & rainy days.
Relationship status; single.; but my heart is taken <3


hellosexy's Favorite Quotes

It's so hard to
 find a friend
 that's :

99.9% sexy
98% smart
97% sweet
& 100% amazing
So don't you
 ever lose me . (;


and he has no idea,
but a simple "hey" can make my entire day. ♥


and i just want to talk to  you
for hours about nothing.

the rush you get around him
is more than anyone could ever explain.

i'd go anywhere in the world...
as long as i'm with you.

there's just something about you, i swear,
i have no idea what it is.

but it makes me go absolutely crazy.

if forever really exists,
i'd like to spend it with you.

When  you feel like you're nothing,
remember that to somebody, you're e v e r y t h i n g. 


that incredible feeling you get
when he texts you first.


i wish,      at least sometimes,
i was the reason for your smile.

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