
Joined: March 31, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 287954

Quotes by iamapineapple

I'm running down the hall like Superman. I turn into my bedroom and realise there's a door.

Watching something recorded on TV and randomly pausing it just to see the wierd facial expressions that they have because you paused the TV halfway through one of their sentences.
Just Me??

Being Sick... #1
When you go to the doctor, never feel the need to tell the doctor what's wrong.
Simply turn to your Mum (or Dad) and let them explain it all.


When Life Gives You Lemons...
Buy a rainbow unicorn and feed it those lemons.


Hi everyone this is only my second quote! WITTY PROFILES ROCKS!
Is there actually anyone who can read this stuff?!


That Awkward Moment
When you're at the Train Station and you find your sister trying to run through a wall claiming that she's trying to get to
Platform 9 and 3 Quarters