
Joined: July 25, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 199270

Quotes by iloveunicornss

"How dare you tell me what to do!"


Love On The Beach;


Kendall began college at SMU, shortly after. Jake went on to travel the world, studying architecture. Turns out that the threat was a joke. He is still not married. But, Kendall is now 24, married to Jason Bentley. A pro soccer MLS player. They reside in L.A. where Kendall is awaiting a baby girl whom they will name, Estelle. 

Thanks again for reading. I enjoyed writing it. (: -iloveunicornss 

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Love On The Beach;

Part 12

I realized I started crying. So hard that he had given me Tissue. After a while, he spoke to me, "I'm sorry, Kendall," He looked away. "She was just saying how she would come with me on my trip. I was really turned on." He started to laugh but stopped. "I'm sorry." I blew my nose and stood up. "Stop this f*cking pity game! Just because I can't come dosen't mean you can start picking up hoe's. We're still dating! Hello!" I ran out of that building. Got into my car and cried the rest of the way home. 

The End. 

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He texted me first

I replied second.



Baby I just ran out of bandaids. I don't even know where to start. 'Cause you can bandage the damage. But you never really can fix a heart. </3

Love On The Beach;

Part 10

I almost fell out of my chair. I had to go with Jake. And in two weeks I would be an adult. That's what they can tell me now, but not forever. "But, I'm almost eighteen!" I raised my voice and I felt eyes from around the room on me. My mother sipped her mojito. And my father pursed his lips. "Honey, we just want the best for you. And, skipping college is not...well, the ideal thing we want for you." My mother spoke in a hushed tone. I wanted to run out of that resturaunt and scream. Of course, that would make me only look worse. "If you decide, that when you're want to not go to Santa Monica University...then, that's your choice." My father pointed at me when he said "Your". "And, we will not help you with the costs of tickets. Nothing. Understood?" I shook my head, not wanting to argue further. "Can we just order now?" I picked up my menu, suddenly starving. My father patted my mother's leg as she kissed his cheek. Yuck. They act so young. Even though their only 44 and 43. "I think we'll just split the Margarita Pizza, like usual hun." My mother looked to my dad. "Sounds good baby." My father replied. "EWWWW!" I wanted to yell, but I didn't. Instead I said, "I'll just get the ceasear salad." I smiled at them. When the waitress came, we ordered. Soon our food came and we ate. "Yum." My mother said tearing out a check from her check-book. "Mom, I can pay," I suggested pulling out my wallet. "Oh no, sweetie. That's just fine." My father glared at me. We hugged and I jumped back into my car, waving. I knew what I had to do first. Call Jake. He would be so upset. I felt so bad. But I went halfway up the road the put in my bluetooth then dialed his number. "Hello?" He picked up. "Hi, Jake." I said glum-ly. "What's up with your 'rents?" He laughed. "Uh, about that Jake..." I cleared my throat. "I, um. Can't go." I almost cried and I swear I could hear him crying over the phone. "Look! You don't have to go! You can stay with me at SMU! I'll protect you! I promise!" He stopped crying and didn't reply for what seemed like ages. "I thought you didn't get into Santa Monica U." Oh right! I told him I didn't. God. "Jake, I'm sorry. I told you that not to hurt your feelings! I'm SO sorry." He quickly said, "Well, I'm more hurt now." And he hung up. 

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My ex won't stop texting me. I told him to stop but he won't. I'm scared.   :'[



My name is...

Slim Shady.

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