
Joined: January 7, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 63106
Hello loves (: Um not sure what to say on here, just i make quotes in my free time. I totally appreciate all the support, comments and opinions ! 
specc from my bestfriends, yummy_dummy123, kstategirlygirl8,
and LOVEonTHEinsisde, Grrrrrrrrrrrx3. those are my showstoppas ' 
so <--check 'em out (:

Quotes by imsodope_3

&rescue me.
and you know i will surrender cause i cant be a
pretender. No, not when i comes to loving you,
and they say time is a healer.But your love was
just a stealer. So no, i dont want to forgive you.
Rescue me. send me an angel to heal the pain
you put me through
me: have you ever been in love?
him: yes, hbu?
with who?
you hbu?
me: can't tell
him: please
me: ok well there's this boy, we has short brown hair,
beautiful blue eyes, amazing, loves basketball, &
everytime i look at him I want to be with hi forever.
him: sounds like a pretty cool guy, see why you like him.
I've never heard of him
me:ha ! its you silly (:

dang i love that boy

         &there is
-only-two times i want to be with you
&just close your eyes
&you'll be here with me. Just look to your heart,
and that's where I'll be.If you just close your eyes
until your drifting away,You'll never be too far
from me. If you close your  _ _ eyes
&im coming for you
Now you know the truth, that i just want
to be with you,can’t hold back, this is real
Because what we share,It’s undeniable
& i don’t want to hide no more. Here I am
and I’m coming for you
&the other night
i was looking at the stars, putting 
a reason why i love you to each one.
& i was doing great, until I ran out of 
                                             xo; _ _ _ stars
my boyfriends better 
            then yours

           & my pokemon 
 brings all the nerds to the yard, they're like,
        "you wanna swap cards?"
&if you love someone
tell them  because hearts are often broken
by words left _ _ unspoken

&shes just
another pretty girl suffering while he
confesses, everything