
Joined: March 25, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 71437

Quotes by jennababe21

Hey you over there i kinda like you <3 you make me happy when i am down and make me smile when i feel like i want to cry,  thats why i like you        

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If you want a guys attention to notice you, just hand them an xbox with c.o.d in it and they will be all set!
i hate those few people in life that do nothing but hurt you and then that specail boy you like comes around and makes everything better but with me no that doesnt happen it gets worse.
in life you get those few guys that will jerk off just to get girls but the truth is they will just end up alone
boyz can make you feeel lonly but wen wen you find the rite one he wont make you feel lonly or break your heart in a way you dont want it (broken) but you no boyz will always break your heart and make you feel lonly.