
Joined: December 29, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 142928

Ohh, you know.. im just another one of those teenage girls who is on witty ALL the time to find good facebook quotes :) I decided that maybe i should make my own witty quotes. We'll see how this goes. Music is my life, so ill probably make my quotes from music lyrics <3 i am socially retarded, id rather sit home by myself than go out. i do go out, but not alot. I come home from school, get on my computer, turn the music on, facebook, than WITTY!! Im one of those girls who comes home and throughs my sweats on and pulls my hair in a pony tail <3 i do not have a boyfriend, and thats cool, i guess.. I mean i have a crush, but i have a feeling thats all its gonna be, a crush. nothing more. i might have to make quotes on how guys are douche bags and complete assholes, so prepare for that. :) my goal is to have the "top quote" LETS DO THIS THING!! :D

Quote Comments by jessbabexx

jessbabexx 1 decade ago on quote #2261259
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to think before i speak. ive said so many things i regret. and ive lost a friend because of something i said out of anger and didnt mean. i dont want to have any regrets, like i did in 2010.
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