
Joined: November 14, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 238588
Gender: F

I'm a 10th grade in High School and I go to a broading school... which I hate but love at the same time, confussing right !:D ahah oh well.
Since I've came to that school I have lost so many people in my life from family members to friends that I now choose not to get to close to some of the people in my life. I have one best friend and I love that kid oh so much his name is Spencer and he has helped me threw so much I truely dont know what i would do without that boy. I have a twin, Phoenix (evil twin) ahah
But hey thats all about me !
If you need advice or anything Hit me Up and I'll help as best as i can!:)

Quotes by josey2828

Lately, she has only been finding relief in a blade. No one really listens anyway. she feel like no one really cares, this world wants to make sure everyone is skinny, has a tan, and wears a perfect fake little smile that not everyone can fake all the time. she trys to talk to people but it always ends up going the wrong way. she knows she has a few friends she can trust dearly but she doesn’t want to break donw in tears in front of people. she has wall built and doesn't know how to bring it down.
I bet no guy has the guts to write me a paragraph in my comment box on my profile that I will never forget. Girls, pass this on and see which guy has the most respect for girls on Witty. See what boy can actually write a paragraph that will suprise you, whether its awesome or friendly. REPOST!
I'm really starting to get tired of people telling me who I should be friends with like I'm giong to be friends with who ever I want it won't matter what you say... so stop trying to change my mind:/
20 ways to annoy your parents:

1. follow them around the house EVERYWHERE
2. moo when they say your name
3.pretend to have anmesisa
4. say everything backwards
5. run into walls
6. say wearing clothes is against your religion
7. go into their room at 4am and say "good morning sunshine"
8. snort loudly when you laugh, then laugh harder
9. have 20 imaginary friends and talk to them all the time
10. pluck someones hair out and scream "DNA"
11.  in public scream "no, mom i will not snorg you!"
12. talk to a pen (ex. whos such a good pen... you are)
13. switch the light button on and off  for a while and then scream "oh forget it"
14. try to climb a wall
15. hold their hand and then say "i see dead people"
16. eat your hair
17. at everything they say scream "LIAR!"
18. when your takeing a shower scream "I'M DROWNING! I'M DROWING!"
19. at night tap on their door and say "help me ahakd;ladjflhg"
20. talk to the guy on the t.v. aobut your problems

i think i'm falling in love with my best guy friend...
oh my:/

so summer is almost here and we shall go our own ways... who knows what will happen next year. all i got to say is can't wait for SUMMER 2012<3 to get here so i can have some fun!
Today is best friend day and i just want to say i love all of my best friends!

love you guys so much!

you said we would be "best friends" forever. looks like that aint ever gonna happen
because you believe a boy that you dont even like or talk to, convince you i
wrote some type of mean letter to you in our notebook. girl we didnt even write
nuffin bad, but since you didnt want to listen to me what ever.
i am happy to know where our friendship lands.

so much for besties/ sisters forever
just like i said all those times, everyone i get close to someone they leave or
we turn out to be no longer friends. so yea
i dont know what else you want from me...

i really hate people who cant
keep their promises...
no wonder why i cant trust you
guess what buddy??
you about to get beat at you own game...

good luck!