
Joined: April 17, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 6332

Quotes by jrbri11

AGAIN - 6 letters
AGAIN - can make life better
AGAIN - a 2nd chance
AGAIN - not being the last dance
Why have it be the last dance, when you can groove in your nre pants
Not wanting to leave, not now not ever
what can is saw
AGAIN - makes life better
* You were there for me throught good times and bad
** 9-11 , Irag , all the tradegies we've had
*** You are my salt to my pepper, creme to my puff
**** We've had fun times, and made it through the ruff
***** We may have tiny fights, but ur in my dreams ever night
******So to wrap this in with a short good bye... i love you and thats not lie

(c) jrbri*
u can use it if u like it!