
Joined: February 2, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 150845

justwrite; that's me.

Real name's Paige, nice to meet youu. HOCKEY AND SOCCER; MOST AMAZING SPORTS EVER. I absolutely can not stand writing about me's or "bio's" They're pretty stupid and it's impossible to sum anyone up into a few sentences online. People are so much more than that. I believe it takes time and actually talking to them to know them. I ditched this site a while ago. But I'm back- sort of. Since my injury, it's been hard but I'm working through it! A HUGGGE thanks to all my supporters. Without them I wouldn't be here. I started a new story on wattpad.com, and its called A Passion for Disasters. Check it out? I'd love it if you did! Prettty prettty pleaseee? Haha, my username is PSyourcool since justwrite was taken. Just search, click, read! Easy enough? I think yes! Well, I don't have much left to say. So get to know me, check out my story, leave a comment, I dont'care. Honestly. Hahha, I will probably post quotes occasionally but that's about it! Thats all for now guys, hit me up! I absolutely love to talk, it's ridiculous, (: