
Joined: August 31, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 123302
Welcome to my page! 
kawaiipandashojo- cute panda girl
About Me:
Color: Aqua
Book: ChocoMimi, Beauty Pop (japanese manga)
Hobbies: Sewing, Japanese, reading and Fashion Design
Place: Japan (never been ;P), Vacation spot!

What make me special:  I know some Japanese (currently studding), home schooled, and is having a fashion show September 17!! 
Talents: Sewing, learning (if you count that!), making friends with people who speak very little English (I have a Japanese pen pal!) and goofing off.

Quotes by kawaiipandashojo

& if you're looking for me, I'll be outside burning your love letters

and it's funny how. . .
he sais that she said
It's all your fault

I hate when
You smile, then wonder if you have anything in your teeth

My phrase of the week 2
"It's all good."
"You spilled your drink"
"Oh, it's all good" (wiping it up)
It's okay
"You scored a 60 on that test"
"Eh, it's all good" (as long as nobody see's it)
Not okay
"your ex is going out"
"its all good" (not)
My phrase of the week!!
"No Kidding"
"You are smart"  
"No kidding!!"
"He's smart"
"No kidding??"
"That girl who stole your boyfriend is stupid"
"No kidding."

That point when you go from,

"I likehim "

"I love him"


& 4 letters....
that would
change your life.
if only he'd say them♥ .
Sometimes I think my parents worry about me when I....
Drink coffee...
(without sugar or cream)
Read the newspaper...
(not the comics!)
Look at cereal boxes...
(to compare how many grams of sugar each has)

But then again I love to...
Read books...
(comic books and manga!)
Watch TV..
(go PBS!!)
(on the swing set, then go down the slide, then...)

Fave/ comment if you do any too!!
How pop culture clueless I am #4

I have never had a celeb crush
(I dont now any to crush on)
I thought that the Justin Beiber was 11 for a while
(a friend informed me, I didn't figure it out on my own)
I think being homeschooled is to blame (thank)
How pop culture clueless I am #3

I have never seen Hannah Montanna
(and don't want too!)
I don't think I could list 10 shows from either disney chanel or cartoon network,
And I watch Food network and DIY network ;P