
Joined: January 10, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 63313

you can call me kay.
soccer & basketball.
vanessa is the best sister in the worldd ♥; vhtomboy97
Thanks, bye (:

Comments by kaylaa1140

kaylaa1140 1 decade ago to vhtomboy97
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Hayy sisterr. Waht a liarr, you don even play any sportss. Hahaha, lyy babee
kaylaa1140 1 decade ago to luvcb55
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obsessed with breezyy muchh!?
kaylaa1140 1 decade ago to lil_crazy_tumbler_ox
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If you really want him back...then talk to him and tell him. if not then just move on and think that he is happy with his girlfriend. i mean how would you feel if you were her and she was you? would you want her breaking you guys upp? you have to think about you him and his girlfriend.