
Joined: August 27, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 212775

hiii, i'm mackensie.freshman at wvwhs. i love music . my favorite band is all time low. you'll probably find their lyrics in alot of my quotes. i don't tell people alot of what im actually feeling. and i keep alot to myself,but thats just how i am.I had a witty in the past but forgot the password:/ then made another one, and forgot that password. so i made this one. i rant here alooooot im not really as mad as i seem, im usually happy away from the website. This is probably the reaosn i dont lash out on people haha. well im friendly, and i like making friends so hello:)

me in the middle, jenn(schmidtxx9) far right, abby far left <3

Comments by kensmazxx

kensmazxx 1 decade ago to SummerBabe_xo
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hi! congrats on being at 8 months, i hope everything goes well:)
kensmazxx 1 decade ago to kensmazxx
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thanks! so are you! :)
kensmazxx 1 decade ago to xokaylayox
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HAHAHAH "i like giraffes and pumpkin pie, but not together" LAWL
kensmazxx 1 decade ago to JazminBabeyx3
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hi! thanks for the comment! haha i hate when girl say that it drives me crazy llol