
Joined: October 2, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 223041
Tiny Hand
hey my name's ella and i'm from london. i like reading and writing and drinking tea and summer. this is my story account, but i dont have a main account. i hope you enjoy my stories! any constructive criticism is welcome. thanks! c:
layout by BravoSierra

Quotes by kinsella

lessons on love

Chapter 2

I lay awake all night thinking about Mr Taylor.
I had no idea why I was so... attracted to him.
It was just weird, he had a job and everything I was just a minor.
But why couldn't I get him out of my head?
I walked into school dreading English, which was unfortunately first period.
Kayla, my bestfriend, and I walked to the class after homeroom.
"I heard we've got a new teacher for English." Kayla winked.
"How'd you find out?" my brows knitted together.
Kayla nudged me. "That geeky guy who helps in administration. I managed to
get it out of him, as a result of a few minutes of kissing."
I laughed.
Kayla was a total man pleaser, she could get almost anything with her flirtatious charm.
"I'll tell you what though - he's so hot." I swooned.
"Hey girls, welcome." Mr Taylour swooped in.
I had no idea we were just entering the classroom while I said it.
"Hi, Kayla. Welcome back Amanda." he smiled cheekily. "The seating arrangement's
on the board."
Funnily enough I was sat right at the front of the class, and Kayla was three
rows behind me. At least I could stare at his gorgeous face all-
"Amanda, are you alright? You looked a little zoned out there." Mr Taylour looked puzzled.
I shook my head. "I'm okay."
"Cool. Hi class, I'm Mr Taylor. I'm gonna be taking over from your last teacher - she broke her leg I
Anyway, I like to take a laid back approach to teaching, but that doesn't mean I can't
strike the whip when I want to." he winked.
Mr Taylor's bottle-green eyes scanned the class and they seemed to linger on mine
for a few seconds, before they flicked to the next person.
"Any questions?"
"Yeah, like, why are you all young and stuff? You look young enough to
be one of us." a blonde girl called Brittany asked.
"Thanks for the compliment - I think - and you're right, I am pretty young. I'm 20, and I only just
finished uni before I started training to become a teacher, but I can assure you I'm
totally qualified and everything. Right, now what about a little pop quiz to start off?"


The bell rang and the class bustled out.
"Hey, Amanda, wait up." Mr Taylor called. "After talking with your principle it seems you
have a few issues. Would you mind coming back after school so we can talk things over?"

Please fave/comment if you'd like more :)
© Kinsella

lessons on love

Chapter 1

"Amanda Hudson, get yourself to the principal's office, now."
I glared at Mr Wood, my biology teacher, my fists clenched.
"What are you waiting for?" he sneered.
I rolled my eyes and scraped my stool back, and stormed out of the lab slamming the door.
I knew 29 heads were following me while I did so.
While I was walking along the empty corridors to the prinicpals office, I wilted.
I mean, did nothing wrong.
Well, if you call throwing a spitball at the teacher nothing, then sure.
I reached the door and walked in without bothering to knock.
Seated in front of the principle was a guy who looked young enough to be a student,
but was dressed in a suit and tie.
"Miss Hudson, can I help you?" the principal narrowed his eyes.
"Mr Wood sent me." I shrugged.
"Go back to class, I've had enough of you this week. Besides, I'm busy interviewing
Mr Taylor, your future English teacher." he smirked.
"Are you sure he isn't a student?"
Mr Taylor grinned revealing a set of pearly white teeth.
He ran a hand through his tousled sandy blonde hair.
"I can assure you I'm old enough to be a qualified teacher." he laughed.
I bit my lip, speechless at his smooth, sultry voice.
"As of tomorrow Mr Taylor will hopefully be taking over your class." the principal
interrupted my thoughts.
I nodded, my mouth suddenly dry.
"So uh, am I gonna get a detention?"
"No, I've told the board of education you won't get your fifth this week, and
I am determined to keep to that. You're really becoming a known... figure to
the board right now. I'd watch yourself." he raised his eyebrows.
I smirked, "What can I say? I can't help being an individual."
The principal tapped his pen on the oak desk impatiently.
"Yes, well at Pine Hill we aren't looking for attention-seekers."
"But- "
"Please leave. At once, Amanda, or I will have no option but to suspend you."
I turned on my heel sharply, but I heard Mr Taylor's voice slip into my ears again
before I had the chance to leave.
"See you tomorrow, Amanda."

Please fave/comment if you'd like more :)
© Kinsella