
Joined: May 14, 2013
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 360228
Gender: F
Hello, and welcome to Hell--- I mean my blog... Anyways, my name's Kat. I'm 16, gamer, otaku, jrock and kpop fan, Adventure Time fanatic, and all around interesting young lady. I try my best to make my blog quality, and if for some reason you like what I post; by all means please hit the follow button. Have a nice day and keep smiling.

kireiamaya's Favorite Quotes

"The mystery of your own imagination can be far more enthralling than reality."

Anyone else obsessed with Toby Turner (Tobuscus)?
Only me?
Okay then...
I know, it may be foolish to say, but I wish that some people would give music in other languages a try. Such as Japanese Rock and Korean Pop. Music is universal, it has many languages. Even if you cannot understand what they are saying, if you listen close enough, you will know. (plus music videos help!)
I'm going to say why I like JRock and KPop, it makes me happy. Sure, I may not be able to understand it, but once you watch the music video or look up the english translation, sometimes (like music in your first language) you can relate to it. Plus, it makes for really good dance music and sometimes it impresses people when you can sing in another language and know what you are saying.
My point is, if you like Gangnam Style and can listen to it and like it, then why can't you listen to other artists & like them?

Sorry for the little rant.