
Joined: August 11, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 206725
hello!!!!!!! my name is Laura and i absolutely love cats. i'm not really looking for a relationship right now, but guy friends are good! i am very irish and very british and love the accents! i know what i'm looking for in a guy right now. someone who is a christian, and is very sweet. someone who wont be like "'THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID' HYUCKHYUCKHYUCK!!!" but someone who is very compassionate and not conceited. i absolutely love damian from the glee project and i am the 2nd biggest fan of glee in the world. The 1st is my very best friend cami (lookin4love14). love her to death. i plan on being an actress/singer and hope to make it on glee one day. i love cats.

Quotes by laura617

If gymnastics were easy,



it would be called football!


If your against abortion, repost this quote and add your name to the bottom of the list. I'm not going to ask for faves because this is bigger than Witty. If you took a minute even just to read this, I love you ♥ Let's make something big happen!



<3 if you have ever had a cat meow at you over and over again,


than you keep meowing back!!!


A friend will always bail you out of jail...


a best friend will be in the cell with you saying, "shites, that was awesome!"


your hot and your cold,

your yes and your no,

your in and your out,

your up and your down.

would you make up your freaking mind already?