
Joined: November 22, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 135336

Quotes by laurenlovesjustin

The Basics:
1. Name: Lauren
2. Birthday: June 24
3. Current Location: My kitchen
4. Current Mood: Bored. Tired.

1. Flower: Black Rose
2. Color: Lime
3. Restaurant: Pat's Pizza
4. Store: Hot Topic
5. Designer: Idc
6. Animal: Wolf, dolphin, horse
7. Drink: Barq's Rootbeer

This, That, or Neither
1. Summer or Winter: Summer<3
2. Shoes or Purses: Shoes
3. Jeans or Skirts: Both ;D
4. Showers or Baths: Showers
5. Rich or Famous: Famous
6. Diamonds or Pearls: Diamonds
7. Nsync or Backstreet Boys: Backstreet Boys
8. Yoga or Sports: Sports
9. Ocean or Pool: Pool but I love the ocean too
10. Pink or Blue: Blue
11. Black or White: Black as a color, not skin color.
12. Real Tan or Tanning Beds: Real Tanning
13. Preppy or Gothic: Gothic
14. Eyeliner or Mascara: Eyeliner
15. Lipgloss or Lipstick: lip gloss

1. Taken or Single: Single
2. Relationships or Flings: Flings
3. Looks or Personality: Personality
4. Longest Relationship: 3 months i think ;P
5. Shortest Relationship: No clue ;P
6. Crush: Well... ;P
7. Does He Know You Like Him: mhm
8. Do You Believe In Soul mates: Yes
9. Do You Like Romantic Guys: yes
10. Flowers or Candy: Candy
11. Have You Ever Been In Love: ....
12. Did It Work Out: ........
13. Has Any Guy Ever Cheated On You: Yupp
14. Have You Ever Cheated On Anyone: Nope

1. Best Friend: WAY too many<3
2. Do You Tell Them Everything: YEAH
3. Is This Person First On Your Friends List: ??
4. Would You Do Anything For Them: Definitely
5. Can You Be Yourself In Front Of Them: Of course!

[a]vailable: mhmmm
[b]irthday: June 24
[c]rush: Which one ;D
[d]rink you last had: Sunny D

[e]asiest person to talk to: Angel
[f]avorite genre of music: Pop
[g]ummy bears or gummy worms: gummy worms.
[h]ad your first kiss: Mhm
[i]nstrument: Does my voice count?
[j]uice: Mhm
[k]illed someone: Nope
[l]ongest trip: Tennessee
[m]ilkshake flavor: Chocolate
[n]umber of siblings: 2 Half, 3 step
[o]ne wish: If I told you it wouldn't come true
[p]erson who holds the best memories with you: Sharayah
[q]uiet or loud: Loud
[r]easons to smile: Many...
[s]ong: Lucky
[t]ime you woke up: 7:30
[v]egetable: Cucumber(':
[w]arm at the moment: Mhm
[x]-rays you've had: My wrist and my thumb (different times)
[y]our favorite animal: Wolf, dolphin, horse.
[z]odiac sign: Cancer

Imperfect spells I'm perfect...
Happy llama, sad llama, mentally disabled llama, super llama, drama llama, big fat mama llama, painting llama, fainting llama, meditating dolly llama, don't forget the FIERCE LLAMA! SWAAAAAN!
If you're drowning friends will give you CPR but BEST friends will get Justin Bieber to do it... <3
Missing someone who moved away hurts. Missing someone who died, hurts worse. But the thing that hurts the most, is missing someone you see everyday.
You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what your worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gunna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own
Justin Bieber is a f.a.g... Fun Amazing Guy (: ♥