
Joined: August 13, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 86098

Quotes by lilirocks898

                                           && Me and youuu,  
                                                                                we're gonna run away.
                                                                        Just like we promised eachother.
                                                                                      Come on babe.
                                                                              I won't leave without you.
                                                                      Let her go, it will never be the same<3

You told me that you weren't like him.
Then you promised it.
My best friend, my crush, my future boyfriend.
You broke my heart.
And you want me to pretend it doesn't hurt?
That every waking moment isn't spent crying over you?
And that I cry in my sleep just for you?
That my mom doesn't hear me screaming your name?
Well, you made me this way...
And as much as I hate to say,
We're done.

I want you to know that it doesn't matter,
where we take this road, someone's gotta go.
And I want you to know,
You couldn't have loved me better but I want you to move on,
so I'm already gone, </3

                         Sometimes people ask me if I'm your friend because I feel b a d for you,
                                                         And it's not even like that.
                                        They judge you, even though they don't know you.
                                        Your my best friend, my sister, my partner in crime.
                                         And I will love you forever, no matter what they say.

                                     At first, I thought of you as nothing but a friend.
                                   And over time, I felt more, you said you did too.
                                   But then you left me for her, and broke my h e a r t.
                                       I kicked you outta my life, I didn't need you.
                                But now, I'm letting you back in. Just don't let me down.