
Joined: March 3, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 280418
heyy:) im just a girl . .  sometimes i act strange.  a lot of people hate me, because im not what they expect me to be.  somedays i forget how to tell time, and i freakout over silly things. i like to feel important. i have curly brown locks, that i adore. my eyes are huge. and thats what i like best about myself. dont get me wrong, i have a BILLION imperfections, but thats what makes mee not as strong as everyone thinks i am. if it wasnt for my best poopie. id probably be in a mental hospital.i like your face.  he is always on my mind. but i know loving him is stupid, because we are an impossibility.  and although i am aware of this, you should know that i dont give up that easily. i believe he is worth it.