
Joined: March 12, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 283159

Quotes by lostmemories

U- Until you started reading this comment, you were having a
N- Normal day. But now that I have your attention,
I- I can make your day awesome.
C- Click on your username and check out the pictures you have, you're
O- Okay! I can’t promise everyone likes you, but you are
R- Really beautifull on your own unique way!
N- Now you’re wondering, “Why unicorns?” Well I
S- Say, “Why not?”

Out of my mind.
Back in five minutes


I don't suffer from insanity,
I enjoy every minute of it!

As long as we have memories,
yesterday remains.
As long as we have hope,
tomorrow awaits.
As long as we have Friendship,
each day is never a waste.

In some way, I've failed you
But I just ran out of time,

me: who are you?
voice in my head: I'm a prisoner of your own mind
me: what do I have to do ?
voice: you have to let go.


don't worry about knowing people,
make yourself worth knowing.

As the makeup runs down my cheeks,
I found out that i am lost again.
Try to make my way back home,
Then I Found out that i'm alone.

always remember there are only two kinds of people in this world.
The realists and the dreamers. the realists know where they are going,
The dreamers have already been there.

who are you?

you'll never see the stars if you are always looking down.