
Joined: April 11, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 73223

Quotes by lyricalxlies723

Secret #1

I love when you call me just to say hi
              (after you just left

I don't blame you for being you
But you can't blame me for hating it.

fall out boy ♥ ^^
so i'll just sit here
and listen to a billion taylor swift  songs, cuz well...
they  all
  d e s c r i b e   how  i   feel   right now  <3  

quotes not mine^^^^^credit to softball_luver2
fades mine thoughh

You know you could mend my broken heart,
but instead you just sit there, while the world
starts spinning backwards,And I wonder what
it will take for you to finally realize how much I mean to you.

They say that when you can't sleep at night,
The person who loves you is dreamingabout you.
It can't be true though because you don't know me.
But I can't sleep anymore...
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