
Joined: April 30, 2004
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 7122

Quotes by measexypirate

At a D.A.R.E. meeting! bbl (incase u dont kno what DARE stands for, it stands for: Drugs Are Really Expensive!)
We're with our homies all n everyday
And we gots lots n lots ta say
We look so hot n so damn fine
cuz were the class of 2009!!!
jack and jill went up the hill to get some marijana, jack got high and dropped his fly, and asked jill do u wanna? jill said yes and dropped her dress. Then they had some fun. Silly Jill forgot her pill and then they had a son.
Ashes to Ashes
Dust to Dust
Life is short
so PARTY we must!!
party hard, have a blast, mess w/ us we'll kick ur @$$, gettin wild wear
a thong, drink a 5th, smoke a bong, member the guy, member the kiss,
member the nights, were gonna miss, the guys were hot, the girls were fine, but were still the class of 2009!!
Loud Music, rock-n-roll, were the class you cant control,parties are great, guys r fine, were the class of 2009!!!