
Joined: January 22, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 99254

wanna know some things about mee?
weeell.. my names Mia.
im fourteeeen!
i have three older sisterrs.
i live in Tennesseee & 8th gradee.
my favoritee colors are purple,green&bluee!
i lovee;
hanging out with my friendds..
taking crazy picturees..
peace signs..
amazing-ly hot guys[who doesnt ;)]..
and weell i cant think of anything else about me
so just askk if you wanna know morree!:)


miadora2015's Favorite Quotes

I know everything happens for a reason; 
but sometimes i wish that i knew what that reason is.


If one day you realise i haven't talked to you in a while,
its not that i dont care,
it cause you pushed me away

&left me there.


Relationships are like drugs

they either kill you or give you the
best feeling of your life.

-Wiz Khalifa

Roses are red, nuts are brown
[skirts go up, pants go down ]
Body to body, Skin to skin

When it is stiff stick it in

the longer its in, the stronger it gets

it goes in dry, comes out wet

it comes out dripping and it starts to sag

it's not what you think

its a teabag

not my format


"Hey, how much does a 

polar bear weigh?"

"Uhh... I don't know."

"Enough to break the ice, hi,

I'm Jenny.(;"

*fave if you get it


a pretty girl 
can kiss a guy.

a bird can kiss
a butterfly.
the rising sun can kiss the grass,
but you, my dear, can kiss my ____.

come together and stay together;
they both give each other something

no onelse can.


 I am an average teenage girl...
I over eat when I'm sad or bored,
I'm so insecure,
I totally love this boy (or maybe a few?)
my parents don't get it,
my siblings drive me crazy,
my report card is my worst enemy,
&& sometimes I feel completely alone.
I work hours on my appearance because I'm
scared no one will like me if i don't,
sometimes i cry for no reason, and sometimes
I don't want to get up in the morning.
I look in the mirror & hate what i see,
& i sing awfully in the shower,
right before i go to bed i think of things i wish
would happen, & I get very jealous at times.
I have a long list of ex best friends
& a longer list of mistakes.
My hair always looks gross (in my opinion)
I laugh at jokes i don't get
& yeah, most of my smiles are faked.
I have problems & I'm not perfect,
but like most teenage girls...
I would never admit it.