
Joined: July 18, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 196431

im mitch. Sports are pretty much my life. and family and friends. so yeah :D talk to meh! (make this cool later)
my profile picture is my future son ;D

Quotes by miitch

So i saw a quote that said if a guy slaps your butt it means he thinks your "his" honestly it means they think your hot. just saying.
(I'm a boy so yeah)

I'm bored. Hmu?

Yes, why I can
I'm just that sexy


Why do people get mad if boys are on Witty? Like I'm a boy and I don't know why? So does someone want to explain?
((There's gonna be one less lonely girl.))
That's hot. ;D

Am I the only boy who likes Taylor Swift?

heey everyone on witty well im new and does any one wanna be like witty friends? hahaha comment.