
Joined: July 16, 2010
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Taylor Daniel Lautner born February 11, 1992 is an American actor. He is perhaps best known for his portrayal of Jacob Black in the Twilight film series. Lautner was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, the son of Deborah, who works for a software development company, and Daniel Lautner, a commercial airline pilot. Lautner was raised as a Roman Catholic in Hudsonville, Michigan, and attended Jamestown Elementary School until the age of eleven, when the family moved to the Santa Clarita area. Lautner is of mostly Dutch, French, and German descent, and claims some Native American ancestry through his mother.
I am going to marry Taylor Daniel Lautner (: <3 
amazing people: My best friend and sister, Kenzie, I dont know what I would do without her. My friends and family and this one guy (; <3 
They call me Jasmin. My past is what it is and it created me but doesn't define me. I am who I am take it or leave it. I've been to a point where I thought I wasn’t good enough, let people take advantage of my emotions & do nothing while it happened. I make my decisions based on what makes me happy not right or wrong. I’ve been through hell its personal. I’m type independent & no one can come near telling me different. I plan on succeeding in life. I got my own. I’m capable of a lot, but at times find it hard to manage. I’m everything in my mother’s eyes & nothing in my fathers. I don't have that many "friends", more like acquaintances. I’m down with more guys cause the girls love drama and I’m not the type that just says that than surrounds myself with nothing but females. Come at me negative & I’ll come at you twice as hard. I have created a mess, but it’s always my job to fix it. I have emotions but they never seem to show. My mind is more complex and hate when people attempt to figure me out. My attention could be easy to capture but defiantly hard to keep. Mistakes are a part of life. I learn from mine but at time's it seems like I've made too many of them. I am the one who attracts this shit I don’t regret anything I've done or the people I meet. Just remember its mind over matter; I don’t mind & you don’t matter, as quickly as I met you I can forget you. I've forgiven myself for being stupid once & forgotten he’s ever existed; don’t ever cry for a guy, let him cry for you. You give & forgive and they'll get & forget baby girl. You stand strong? I stand stronger. My world is at constant change.

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