
Status: I really wish i could change my username
Joined: September 14, 2009
Last Seen: 7 years
Birthday: January 5
user id: 89099
Gender: F


Quotes by shaunna*

Do you ever find yourself always doing too much for someone, and getting nothing in return... but still wanting to do things for them?
im really sad and i dont know why

someone please talk to me? :(

my family is falling apart
We think pain is the worst feeling, it isnt.
i hate when someone thinks someone famous on witty is so inspirtationl, original and funny. Like, im pretty sure i just saw your quote on tumblr like an hour ago. You're not as original as you think, sorry
just because you trust someone, does that mean you can't still worry?
can i just be tumblr or youtube famous now
having a boyfriend in college really sucks :(
GUYS. my boyfriend of 2 years finally comes home from college for the weekend Friday.  :-)
sorry i was excited and i had to share
why do people need alcohol to have fun? like im perfectly content with a capri sun and some chocolate. lets party.