
Joined: May 8, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 108371
                                                                    hey there, i'm maddie
                                                                   lemme tell you a bit about myself:
                                                                                    i'm fourteen
                                                                     a case you didn't notice...
                                                                    unlike most people, i love reading.
                                                                  by the way, i am a huge harry potter fan :)
                                                                school's fine, but summer's just wonderful
                                                               i think i'm pretty easy to befriend, i enjoy people.
                                                                   screw the cell phone; my ipod=my child
i go on witty as much as i can.
i find basketball players extremely hot, anyone agree?
my favorite color is blue.
i eat like a pig.
i enjoy long walks on the beach too, doesn't that sound cliche?


Comments by mkxx17

mkxx17 1 decade ago to iBitch2u
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if you're going to take someone's quotes, don't take the credit. people work hard for witty, don't jock them. you have a nasty attitude from the looks of your profile. you're not better than everyone else. you're a jocker, and you deserved to be treated like one. P.S you're someday gonna get what you deserved.