
Joined: September 24, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 126172

Helloooo there, I'm Molly! I used to be a witty addict, but then I stopped coming on because of the drama here on this beautiful website. Now I'm back, with nothing but smiles! I love to dance, sing, act, and cheer. There's just alllll you need to know about me.

Life Is Good(:
My story is great <3 
It's called The New Yorker
I haven't posted much, because I just started it.
You should read it though because I love to write and I'm going to keep posting even if nobody does.


That's all folks,

Quotes by mollisuti

Something I love:
having a really tall boyfriend so I can see his head over everyone else's in the hallway and make myself look good before we cross paths

   E x p e r i e n c e  
   t h e  
   C h a n g e

chap. 1 ; pt. 4

A confused expression infected the new boys face as he looked up and noticed me cheerfully beside him. From closer up it was easier to notice he had skin just slightly darker than mine, as well as his hair. His eyes were sea blue, and his arms were even more muscular than Drew’s.
“Uh, hi. I’m Ben.” As Ben neared the end of his introduction a grin masked his confusion. After an uncomfortable moment of my silence, he continued. “And you are?”
“Oh, sorry. I’m Elizabeth. I saw you earlier today, and I’ve been dying to meet you because I have a friend that looks sort of like you.” I immediately regretted the words I just spoke and covered it up. “Oh wow, that sounded sort of creepy.”
“It’s fine, it’s good to finally have someone I can talk to here.” Ben reassured as he flipped his reddish brown hair to the side. “I’ve pretty much been in silence all day.”
“I know the feeling.” I vaguely responded back to him, as our teacher rose from his desk and began class.
It was an hour later when geometry ended. Throughout the period, I noticed that Ben was immensely gifted at math. After class I offered to escort him to his locker to keep him company. Because his locker was on the opposite side of the school from my own, we decided it would be best if we simply exchanged cell phone numbers and go our separate ways.
I greeted Scarlett when I reached my locker. We conversed about the days activities. By the time we had both packed our bags, we had decided to have a sleepover. Scarlett only lived three floors below me, so last minute plans, such as these, were very common for us.
The whole taxi ride home, we entertained the driver with our gossip of all the new students in our school that arrived for second semester. By the time Ben came up in conversation, we were at Beatrice Towers. Snow descended from the sky, and I could see it coating my purple coat, and Scarlett’s white fleece jacket. Our conversation was interrupted by the complaints that we had to make about the arctic weather. Snow was bolting at us so swiftly that even though I was in flats, and Scarlett in heels, we sprinted towards the building.

   E x p e r i e n c e  
   t h e  
   C h a n g e

chap. 1 ; pt. 3

I was the queen bee of York Prep before break, so I just have easily could have fought back with Drew. The only reason I didn’t is because I was already lying by saying my mom was the reason I denied his offer. The truth was there was this boy from New Jersey whose uncle lived in the penthouse on the other side of our building. He comes every Christmas, and although I am dating Drew, I couldn’t stand to miss a visit from his polar opposite, Lucas. Basically, I was too guilty to lie anymore, especially since I was normally such a very loyal and honest person.
“It’s fine.” I quickly responded to my boyfriend’s apology once I realized I zoned into a trance. “It’s not like I’ve never made mistakes before.” My tone was blank because although I had vocally returned to our conversation, my eyes were noticing a boy who looked identical to Lucas. He was a boy that never stepped into our school before today.
“Hey, I have two minutes to get back downstairs for homeroom, so I’ll talk to you later.” Drew kissed me romantically, but I kept my eyes open and focused on the new kid.
Drew was right about one thing, there was two minutes left until homeroom, and since mine was also on the first floor looks like I’d have to wait until a later moment to converse with the new kid.
As the day went on, it didn’t get any better, nor did it get any worse. I didn’t speak with anybody in first through fifth period. At lunch I awkwardly listened in on Drew and his friends off the swim team converse about practice the prior day, and how they were never going to make it to states. It wasn’t until the final class of the day when I entered, and to my excitement, I spotted the Lucas look alike in the corner.
I stopped in my tracks and stared. He took my breath away because he was like Lucas, only more attractive. I watched from across the room as he slyly reached for a silver flip phone out of his bag and read something off the screen as his lips widened into a slight smirk. His grin contagiously caused me to beam back uncontrollably. Rather than take a seat in my average spot back by my long forgotten pals, Alexis and Hannah, I headed over to him to place myself in the empty seat beside him.

   E x p e r i e n c e  
   t h e  
   C h a n g e

chap. 1 ; pt. 2

As soon as I entered the school, I was welcomed by my best, and for now, my only, friend, Scarlett. She was looking gorgeous, as usual. Her long chocolate brown hair was curled, her Latino skin was tanned, and her makeup was perfection. Like I said, she was beautiful. We headed to the second floor to reach our lockers, and the path there passed directly by the mob of what used to be my group of friends. Scarlett waved to them, but turned down the offer to join their conversation.
As we turned into the hallway that held our neighboring lockers, I could see a blurry figure of, probably the most well known and most loved boy in our school, Drew Brighton, leaning on my locker. It wasn’t anything abnormal considering he was my boyfriend. His nearly black hair had grown slightly over the break, and since I’d last seen him his right ear was pierced with a small silver sphere. He wore khaki pants, and a navy blue sweater with a yellow tie that matched the yellow collar poking out from the neck hole of his sweater. He was stunning, but was I ecstatic to see him? Maybe before he and his sister had the whole school turn on me I would have been.
“Hey beautiful. How was your break? Happy we got those two extra weeks off?” Drew’s alluring voice asked me once I reached him. I’m guessing this caused Scarlett to feel uncomfortable, for she quickly dialed her combination, grabbed her homeroom supplies, and scrambled away.
To my fullest ability, I attempted to ignore what happened the last time I’d seen him and keep it cool. “I needed the extra two weeks,” I replied. “I knew, after what happened on the last day I never wanted to come back here. Oh, and my break was pretty awesome.” I grinned. “My cousins and I went on a shopping spree at FAO Schwartz and got a Barbie Foosball table for my grandma’s studio! It wasn’t anything compared to sunny California, but it was fabulous.”
“Hey, by the way, I’m really sorry. This is all entirely my fault. I shouldn’t have overreacted. We’ve only been dating for three months. I completely understand why you couldn’t come with me.” Drew placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.
The whole reason I was frustrated with Drew, as well as the reason I had minimal friends, was because only one day prior to the break, he offered to fly me out to California with him. I turned him down, and apparently that is a huge mistake since he’s the bad boy heartthrob of the sophomore class here at York. I told him it was because my mom wouldn’t let me, and although he was aware that I was lying, I stayed persistent and stuck to my story. Drew told his sister, and the forceful duo spread multiple rumors around the school to trick each and every clique into hating me. The best part is it all happened in one day. That’s the power of popularity.

Change is natural. It's one of the only things that we can truly rely on. It's the way people try not to change that is unnatural... The way we cling to what things were instead of letting them be what they are. The way we hold on to old memories instead of forming new ones. Change is constant. The only thing we can truly decide is how we experience the change.