
Joined: June 27, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 113939

monkeylover21's Favorite Quotes

Friend talking to a guy for you on aim: "Ok, she went to the bathroom... now, do you like her????"

Boy:" Bull, she is sitting right next to you!"

haha this happened to my friend and i when we were talking to a guy friend on aim! it was sooooo funny!

Patrick-I wumbo, you wumbo, he she me, wumbo(:

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No one will ever really understand why we always go back to each other, but I don't care anymore, because you're all I want and need. And that won't be changing anytime soon<3

"Pack your manhood in ice; maybe the hospital can re-attach it. "

 Your the brightest crayon in the crayon box.

mine ; i think .. i don't know
but don't jock . kthanks :D
~ xxbribabexx9 ~
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If you die in an elevator,
make sure to press the UP button (:

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This quote does not exist.