
Joined: April 3, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 162691
I'm steph (:
091711 <3333
i love you so much, Efrain <3

Quotes by ohsteph

Birth of a Candybar!

One PayDay, Mr. Goodbar wanted a Bit-O-Honey, so he took Miss Hershey's to downtown next to the corner of Main and 5th Avenue. He began to feel her Mounds with his Butterfinger, that was pure Almond Joy. It made her Tootsie Roll and he let out a Snickers and she screamed Oh Henry, you are even better then 3 Musketeers. Soon she became Chunky and 9 months later Baby Ruth was born.

Your love's electric, I can feel it when you touch me.

You're like a photograph,
never changing.

Don't be scared, it's only love that we're falling in.



I  can't promise you a promise you a perfect relationship,
but what I can promise you is that if your trying, i'm staying.


You look better with the lights off.


All I want to see
is a sky full of lighters.  


the more the merrier!